A brief lull in the air before the resurgence of stress and the return of my erratic self.
Two. Weeks. "Holiday".
We're sticking with the script for the play and are having a rehearsal tomorrow. Hopefully this one won't be as derailed as previous ones. We should not be allowed to have cameras.
Two assignments and three exams until I'm free to work and take lovely trips, the first of which is being planned at 9am. Placebo in Bournemouth! Shiv and I decided there was no way we were missing this, so, assuming we get tickets, we will be off to the sea side town of Bournemouth in May to see them!
I've got Deerhunter and Dan Deacon coming up too. This is why I'm so poor. Gig tickets.
Fleet Foxes are on the EP bill on last.fm. Very exciting news. There's another couple of hundred gone. My money needs to be far less disposable. I NEED more hours at work this summer. Eight is just not enough.
I recently wrote an essay for Music. I got an A. There were only two As in the class and one of them was mine. Ecstatic is not even the word. Compliments flowing from this lecturer would make anyone happy. He's been exceptionally encouraging and has made me think more about writing. I'm going to do a lot more of it. Maybe I'll post it here, but I probably won't. I've got five whole months of work experience in my third year and I'm getting out of this country. I'll make coffee, I'll shred paper, I'll photocopy, ANYTHING.
So, the edible part of my post. May I present mine and Emma's (yellowbooties.blogspot.com) favourite dessert - Jam Tart! Made with French pastry (you can taste the difference!) and raspberry jam, it is perfectly accompanied with vanilla ice cream. I love this picture as it's probably the most perfect looking tart I've ever made. Tasted alright too : )
I will be waiting outside yr kitchen window next time you put a tasty pie out to cool down. And there's nothing you can do to stop me from committing pie-theft, and then pie-cannibalism.